Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Kamron was baptized last month. He got sick and started throwing up the night before. We were supposed to go to the temple open house, for the second time, in the morning and then we were doing the baptism at my sisters building with her daughter and one other cousin. As we were driving to the temple Kamron threw up three times, each time we stopped to get him water and clean up. This made us late for meeting everyone else at the temple. He felt and looked so bad that we finally decided we would have to wait to do the baptism another day. We had to stop at the church, because I had some food and all of the paper goods which I knew they would need. When we got there we asked Kevin's Grandpa if he could give Kamron a blessing before we left. He did, then Kamron said he felt fine, so we decided to wait and see, but there was no reoccurance and he said his stomache was fine after that. When he started running around with his cousins we knew he really was okay. My sister and I both gave talks and it was the cutest thing to watch him take ine every word. I don't think I've ever seen him pay so much attention before. When he was baptized and confirmed you could just see his joy. After I talked to him and gave him his first set of scriptures and a case and told him how special he was. He told me he was so glad that I taught him all about God and the gospel and I was a very good mother. He was so sincere, I just wanted to cry. I love those little glimpses that show me with all my imperfections all my work is worth it.

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