Wednesday, April 09, 2008

A Random Cute Picture

Logan says I need to put this one up, because the one of him in the previous post looks sad. I guess this balances it or something.

Here is another random adorable picture of my baby who just turned one. I took him in to get his first year picture at the studio last Friday and a woman walked by looked at him, recieved one of his endearing smiles and said, "I don't know this child, but I want a picture of him to hang on my wall just because he is so cute." I have to admit, even if I am his mother, he is a feast for the eyes. I love to just sit back and watch all of their expressions. My husband did a photo essay of each of the kids with a bunch of expressions a few months ago. It is so fun to see and be able to save them in pictures.


Brennen and Aubrey in their gymnastics classes. We only did the class for a month, but may sign back up in the summer, when I'm not working in the schools.

What Logan and Seth get to do during gymnastics=).

"I am still alive"

I am busy, but the truth is I lost my password and couldn't figure out how to log back onto this thing. I wanted to make a comment on another blog and so I finally went to the effort of getting my account info from blogger again.

My son, Logan, has starting saying to people he hasn't seen in awhile, "You are still alive!" So, for all of those in the blog world I am still alive.