Monday, June 19, 2006

My Weekend Projects

Last weekend my sister-in-law took my older two children for three days. Without school to do I took the oppurtunity to work on my house. I started by going to the new IKEA in Sacramento. The two younger boys and I spent three hours there looking at ideas, we finally got some new pillows for our couch, curtains for our bedroom and a few decorating items.

I then stopped by WalMart and bought cheap curtain rods and some plain muslin for $1 a yard. I love the off-white color of muslin and had been contemplating making valances for our back windows with it. I came home and spent the rest of the day sewing. I made three valances and then made a fall colored striped curtain for our brown office room. I rearranged a couple of the other curtains and then put them all up. I then reorganized and decorated the bookcases, instead of having them just be a complete mass of books I took some out and laid some books horizontally. Then I took a table cloth with an off-white background and put it on the table and covered it with vinyl so that I could wash it. I liked the look very much. It does not feel like a completed project, but it makes it feel more like my home.

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